The future is now

DK Ventures invests in micro and small sized companies for growth or turnaround and actively supports them with  product development and optimization, business development, financial (re)structuring and strategic decision making.


DK Ventures invests in micro and small sized companies for growth or turnaround and actively supports them with  product development and optimization, business development, financial (re)structuring and strategic decision making.

Unter der Take One GmbH und Co. KG werden Großveranstaltungen mit landesweiter Strahlkraft initiiert, geplant, finanziert und umgesetzt. Hierfür setzt die Take One GmbH und Co. KG auf langjährige Zusammenarbeit auf politischer und wirtschaftlicher Ebene. Der Kulturstandort Düsseldorf sowie seine Umgebung sollen hierdurch nachhaltig gestärkt und entwickelt werden.

Die WW GmbH & Co. KG ist seit 2020 aktiv im Geschäft des Handels mit Luxusuhren. Über internationale Händlernetzwerke betreibt die Gesellschaft An- und Verkauf der Premiumhersteller ROLEX, Audemars Piguet, Patek Philippe, Vacheron Constantin, IWC und vielen mehr. Ihr Sitz ist im Herzen von Düsseldorf auf der seit Jahrhunderten bekannten Königsallee in direkter Nachbarschaft mit namenhaften traditionsreichen Juwelierhäusern.

Mit über 400 verkauften Fahrzeugen und hunderten reparierten Motorräder sorgt Leo’s Garage dafür, dass Motorradfahrer am Niederrhein eine kompetente Anlaufstelle für den Kauf und Service ihrer Motorräder haben. Die Werkstatt biete eine günstige und zuverlässige Alternative zu den weit verteilten Vertragshändlern und wird daher von zahlreichen Kunden im Raum Düsseldorf sehr geschätzt.

Als Hilfe für die von der Coronapandemie getroffene Veranstaltungsindustrie startete 2021 das Joint Venture Easytest der Gesellschaften N.Vision Concepts und DK Ventures mit dem Ziel die Coronapandemie durch die Anwendung von Schnelltest unter Kontrolle zubekommen und soweit einzudämmen, dass schnellstmöglich wieder Veranstaltungen durchgeführt werden können. Mit hunderttausenden durchgeführten Tests an 5 Standorten hat Easytest dazu beigetragen Infektionsketten nachzuverfolgen und somit einen schnelleren Weg zurück zur Normalität in der Veranstaltungsbranche zu ebenen.

Die N.Vision Concepts GmbH organisiert seit 2017 deutschlandweit verschiedenste regionale Kulturveranstaltungen. So wurden beispielsweise Partyreihen, Streetfood Festivals, Supercar Events und Lifestyle Veranstaltungen mit mehreren tausend Besuchern in Düsseldorf, Köln, Hamburg, Berlin, Aachen und Oberhausen geplant und umgesetzt. Seit 2021 betreibt die N.Vision Concepts GmbH das Joint Venture Easytest.

Unter ABIFAKTUR werden alle nötigen Dienstleistungen und Produkte für eine Abschlussklasse nach dem Abitur angeboten. Egal ob Organisation des Abiballs inkl. Catering und Entertainment oder Merch Abipullis – bei ABIFAKTUR werden die Wünsche jeder Abschlussklasse individuell diskutiert und umgesetzt. Abifaktur ist eine eingetragene Marke beim deutschen Patent und Markenamt.

Take One GmbH und Co. KG initiates, plans, finances and implements major events with nationwide appeal. To this end, Take One GmbH und Co. KG relies on long-term cooperation at a political and economic level. The aim is to sustainably strengthen and develop Düsseldorf as a cultural location and its surroundings.

With more than 400 vehicles sold and hundreds of motorcycles repaired, Motorbike Center West ensures that motorcyclists in Wester Germany have a competent point of contact for the purchase and servicing of their motorcycles. The workshop offers an affordable and reliable alternative to the widely distributed dealerships and is therefore highly valued by numerous customers in the Düsseldorf area.

N.Vision Concepts GmbH has been organizing a wide variety of regional cultural events throughout Germany since 2017. For example, party series, street food festivals, supercar events and lifestyle events with several thousand visitors have been planned and implemented in Düsseldorf, Cologne, Hamburg, Berlin, Aachen and Oberhausen. N.Vision Concepts GmbH has been operating the Easytest joint venture since 2021.

WW GmbH & Co.KG has been active in the luxury watch retail business since 2020.The company buys and sells premium manufacturers ROLEX, Audemars Piguet, Patek Philippe, Vacheron Constantin, IWC and many more via international dealer networks. Its headquarters are located in the heart of Düsseldorf on Königsallee, a street that has been famous for centuries, in the immediate vicinity of renowned traditional jewelry stores.

To help the event industry affected by the coronavirus pandemic, the Easytest joint venture between N.Vision Concepts and DK Ventures was launched in 2021 with the aim of bringing the coronavirus pandemic under control through the use of rapid tests and containing it to such an extent that events can be held again as quickly as possible. With hundreds of thousands of tests carried out at 5 locations, Easytest has helped to trace chains of infection and thus pave a faster way back to normality in the event industry.

ABIFAKTUR offers all the necessary services and products for a graduating class in Germany. Whether organizing the graduation ball including catering and entertainment or merchandise for graduation sweaters - ABIFAKTUR discusses and implements the wishes of each graduating class individually. Abifaktur is a registered trademark at the German Patent and Trademark Office.

Our investment team

Complementary. Interdisciplinary. Visionary.

Thimo Diener


Thimo began his first entrepreneurial activities in the event sector directly after graduating from high school by launching a party series in Düsseldorf's nightlife scene, which eventually expanded successfully to other major German cities. In 2017, he and Leonard founded their first joint event company. Since 2022, Thimo has been investing in and developing new business models and products with DK Ventures GmbH. In addition to a Bachelor's degree in Marketing & Digital Media, Thimo holds a master's degree as an electronics technician for industrial engineering.

Leonard Krall


Immediately after graduating from high school, Leonard began to set up his own motorcycle dealership with a workshop service alongside his studies. In 2014, he founded RAW Model Agency, a model agency specializing in social media. In 2017, he founded the event company N.Vision Concepts. In 2020 he opened a motorcycle workshop. In 2022, he founded DK Ventures GmbH together with Thimo Diener. Leonard completed his Bachelor's degree in 2017 and his Master's degree in Management & Technology in 2019 at the Technical University of Munich, Germany's largest start-up university. There he was able to build up a unique network of founders, business angels and investors, from which his own start-up projects have already benefited in numerous ways. His academic specializations include start-up law and automotive engineering.

Our approach


“You really should give it a try.” is a phrase you hear again and again when talking to people about new business ideas. Too many promising ideas are nipped in the bud by a lack of motivation. Through our personal contact with founders, we want to put an end to this and encourage them to put their ideas into practice.


Thanks to our experience from numerous own start-up projects, a unique network and wide-ranging expertise, we can identify product and process challenges right at the start of a project and set the right course at an early stage to put the business model on a successful long-term course.


The development of an idea through to the finished product can quickly exceed your own financial resources and is often the biggest hurdle in the start-up phase. We therefore provide quick and uncomplicated access to the required capital and advise on where and how the money can be used most effectively.

Our mission

We want to give innovative personalities the opportunity to turn their ideas into reality and find the necessary partners for their projects. To this end, we support them throughout the start-up process and advise them both operationally and strategically with our wide-ranging technical, financial and legal expertise. We share our experience from more than 10 years of entrepreneurship and numerous start-up projects. And all of this completely free of charge.

Our Strategy

There are attractive investment opportunities in every sector. Unlike our competitors, we do not limit ourselves to certain sectors or key figures, but are always open to new investments. As this gives us more investment opportunities, we are able to choose the best ones. In this way, we have already launched numerous successful ventures across our economic landscape in the past.

Our principles


We have been successfully anticipating social and technical developments for many years and deriving new entrepreneurial strategies and investment decisions from them. Through differentiated forward planning and targeted action, we are able to exploit opportunities where others fail.


The aim of our company is to accelerate change and innovation. Our comprehensive and versatile understanding of various products and markets enables us to quickly and precisely evaluate and develop the potential of new business areas. Regular interdisciplinary exchange is at the heart of our innovative strength.


Entrepreneurship always requires a high degree of willingness to take risks and the ability to deal with uncertainty. Therefore, one of our most important tasks is not only to convey know-how for solving complex tasks through our personal commitment, but also to strengthen self-confidence in one's own abilities. In this way, we encourage our partners to take on new challenges and put their ideas into practice.


As investors and mentors, we maintain a close personal relationship with all our partners. We try not only to support strategic decisions, but also to contribute to the personal development of our partners. We are convinced that everyone involved can always learn and benefit from each other. Each of our partners can develop and fulfill their own role in our entrepreneurial cosmos based on their individual skills and knowledge. The financial success of our projects is the result of our individual, comprehensive support with a unique relationship of mutual trust.

Get in touch

Do you want to launch a product or service on the market and need a partner? Is your company facing new challenges and you need support? Would you like to find a successor for your company or sell it? Do you have other exciting ideas for us? Write us a message

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